Wednesday at 11:25 a.m.What a weekend.
I just got back in town after a long (and longer than expected) weekend in Savannah, Ga. and Beaufort, SC with my girlfriend Lindsay.
A few highlights:

Getting in to a Savannah Sand Gnats game for free Saturday and having a buffet of free hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, soda, and beer. And winning free stuff! (photo 1)

Eating at Paula
Deen's restaurant in Savannah, The Lady & Sons. It's a long wait to get inside (we got there at 11 a.m. and had to reserve a table for 3:45 p.m.) but worth it. Pulled pork in BBQ sauce, fried and baked chicken, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes. And for dessert - banana pudding. Great buffet for only $15.

Being rear-ended at 70mph on I-95 while driving home Monday.

I was about 90 minutes into my drive home (around St. George, SC) when I saw a firetruck with its lights flashing in the left lane (I was in the right lane). I began to approach the truck and, seeing he was slowing down, I slowed down as well to give him ample room to change lanes if that's what he was trying to do. At that very moment a RV slammed into the back of me, jarring my entire body.
The RV pulled to the side of the road about 30 yards away as I sat there in my seat, holding my neck and back. When I eventually got out of the car, a woman in the RV first asked if I was OK and then scolded me for slowing down. When I mentioned I slowed down for the emergency vehicle with its lights flashing, she responded with "He wasn't even in your lane."
Apparently it's OK to speed AROUND emergency vehicles. ... You learn something every day.
I wasn't going to win that argument so I got back in my car and waited for Highway Patrol.
The trooper sided with me and noted the RV contributed to the wreck and I did not. But the fun doesn't end here.
After noting to the trooper I'd like to be checked out just to make sure I was OK health-wise, an ambulance responded to the wreck and
EMTs fitted me with a
neckbrace and taped me down to a backboard.
I really wish I had my camera handy while I stared up at the ceiling of the ambulance as I was sped to the closest hospital about 20 minutes away.
They wheeled me inside the hospital, all the while I wasn't able to turn my head or even sit up to see what was around me.
It was another 20 minutes before the doctor came in and freed me from the
neckbrace and back board. After a brief examination, I had several X-rays done on my back, which at least showed I don't have any broken bones. All the while, the nurses and doctors told me I would be more sore in the morning and in the ensuing days due to soft tissue damage.
They were right.
I ended up staying the night at Lindsay's parents' home. She was nice enough to pick me up and I got my pain pills filled at the
CVS down the road from the hospital.
The car, while banged up, was still drivable, according to the state trooper. But Tuesday when I got to the auto body shop it had been towed to, the owner told me he was shocked the trooper said it was OK to drive. Apparently there was severe structural damage to the vehicle and I was warned that if I did try to make the 3-4 hour trip home, I would be pulled over by police and possibly forced to abandon the car on the side of the road.
It could be totalled.
So I called my insurance company and they hooked me up with a rental pickup truck until my car is fixed, which is probably going to be weeks.
Finally got home last night around 9. Still sore from the crash. I have to work today but will probably take a sick day later in the week to help recover.

Thankfully my suitcase and work laptop, both of which were stored in the trunk of the car, survived the wreck intact.
Yay for insurance and
yay for eventful road trips!