A TV crew from the Oxygen Network is currently interviewing former Star Lifestyles editor and cops reporter Megan Ward in our newsroom about her coverage of the Brenda Sue Brown murder 40 years ago.

I shot some video excerpts from the interview that should be online Monday, along with a story. Look for more at shelbystar.com
this is a little off subject, any updates on Jonathan Scruggs?
As written in the last story we ran, charges are expected in mid July when the grand jury next meets. I'm not the court reporter (that's Pete Delea) so I'm not privy to what specific day that is.
I am looking forward to seeing the pictures! Also wondering when the info will air. I hope we will all be informed well ahead of time so we can plan to be home or have our recording systems in place.
On the Scruggs case from the post above. Grand jury is on July 16. I expect something then.
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