Friday, June 22, 2007

Visiting the Hood

7 p.m. Friday. Just a few hours away from ending another long week at work.

I've been busy all day finalizing Sunday's front page story about Larry Hill and Maurice Littlejohn, two men with troubled pasts that are trying to turn Shelby around for the better.

They took myself and photographer Jeff Melton around Shelby's various low-income areas Monday and we met some very interesting folks. These are people that, had Hill and Littlejohn not been there with us, would not have said one word to Jeff or I.

... Or, if they did say a word, it wouldn't be something we could print.

Northern Street. Highland Street. Logan Street. Ramblewood.

These are people that don't have that much to live for. People that are stuck in bad situations and can't pull themselves out. People that are no stranger to drugs and violence.

They're not angels but they're not bad people either. Most aren't given much of chance to better their situation without turning to a life of crime.

And while there are many efforts being made by various city groups to give these people more opportunities to succeed, the general consensus is it's not enough.

Keep an eye out for the story Sunday (or go ahead and read it online here) and let me know what you think. I always welcome feedback, good or bad.

Be sure to check out the 9 videos that accompany the story.


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