21 million people can't be wrong

'Dark Knight' sets weekend record with $155.34M
Yep, I was one of the 21 million to see "The Dark Knight" this weekend. And it lives up to the hype. A strong blend of popcorn summer blockbuster and credible award contender. You almost forget halfway through that this is a story based on a comic book. Gone are the comedic stylings of Adam West and Joel Schumacher. In their place is a story and characters with depth.
And what they say about Heath Ledger is true. The Joker steals the show. The mannerisms. The style. The character. There were honestly points where I wish they would cut from the Batman scenes so I could see more of the Joker. It's not easily compared to Jack Nicholson's take in 1989, but if you were to compare them you honestly believe Ledger's Joker is crazy. The way he explains his character in the film is perfect - he doesn't live to steal money from banks or kill people, he lives to upset the order of things. He's an anarchist with no rhyme or reason to his actions other than to upset the plans of others.
This is a comic book movie done right. Should be interesting to see how the film does as the summer continues. We might be seeing more records broken by the time September rolls around.
Two trailers shown before the movie which caught my attention:
Watchmen (also based on a DC comic)
Terminator Salvation
With the "Dark Knight" himself, Christian Bale, in the lead role as John Conner
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