Friday, June 13, 2008

CrimeStoppers meeting info

Minutes from last month's CrimeStoppers meeting, sent yesterday from Secretary Karen Rhyne.


The monthly meeting of Crime Stoppers was held on Monday, May 19, 2008 at noon in the Kings Mountain Police Department.

Vice President Charles McCloud called the meeting to order at 12:06pm.

A wonderful meal was donated by Roger's BBQ, located on Cherokee St. in Kings Mountain.

Those present were: Charles McCloud, Mike Putnam, Karen Rhyne, Andy Andrews, Tammy Endicott, Mike Poage, Rick Murphrey, Melvin Proctor, Kirsten Thomas, Kathryn Larson, Ellis Noell and Sam Richards.

Members were delighted to have the Kings Mountain Mayor Rick Murphrey attending the meeting.

The minutes were read and approved as written.

A financial statement was also read.

The Balance forward from the last meeting includes the $400.00 added back to the account from the checks that where never cashed:

-400.00 pay out
-200.00 pay out
10.02 interest earned
-800.00 Creative Sign Service$14,504.59 ending balance

Lt. Tammy Endicott reported that 17 tips had been received since our last meeting in April. Six tips were for the Shelby Police, and eleven were for the county. These latest tips bring the total for the year up to 58.

One tip was recommended for a pay out of $100. Raymond Eugene Rucker, from the Cleveland County Sheriff's List of "Deadbeat Parents" was arrested due to the information provided by the tipster.

Chief Melvin Proctor said that crimes involving prescription drugs were a big problem in Kings Mountain. There have been some senior citizens who have paid their co pays and then sold their drugs for thousands of dollars. The chief said there had been arrests, some involving physicians.

Chief Proctor said he would like to improve the visibility of CrimeStoppers in Kings Mountain. He presented an idea to members that would involve doing a clip from the scene of a crime. This could evoke memories and possibly help solve some of the city's older and more prominent crimes.

Members discussed getting some sort of member identification. Refrigerator magnets were also discussed.

By the end of June, a new billboard will be present on 74, near the Shelby Road exit. This billboard has a new design, which shows pictures of cash on the side.

Vice President Charles McCloud adjourned the meeting at 11:55am.

The next meeting of Crime Stoppers will be on Monday June 16 at noon.

Submitted by Karen Rhyne, Secretary Cleveland County CrimeStoppers


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