The Playlist - The Song Remembers When
Anyone that knows me knows I get around. And not in the improper sense.
Growing up a military kid, I got a taste early on for far off places. And with as stressful as newspaper-ing can be, I jump at any opportunity to escape and check out a new zip code.
New places. New people. New food. And though it doesn’t come cheap, that’s why God created credit cards.
So with that said, I thought I would focus this week on some of the tunes I’ve come to associate with my weekend or weeklong trips. The songs that take me back to a different time and place, far away from banjos and livermush.
Have a list of your own you’d like to share? Shoot me an e-mail at I’d love to hear from you and you might see your response printed here in The Star.
Filter – Take A Picture
Woodbridge, VA
March 2000
It’s not often I get to visit a former hometown; there have been so many. But that’s exactly what I was able to do during my first spring break of college. My parents had just moved from Alaska back to the Washington DC area – where I spent my middle school years – and this was my first trip back since 9th grade. A week of home cooking was just what I needed after months of Ramen and Gatorade. And listening to the car radio while visiting my former neighborhoods nearby had this song stuck in my head for weeks.
Evanescence – My Immortal
Eagle River, Alaska
July 2003
It was during a two week trip to my former high school stomping grounds that I got a chance to listen to Evanescence’s acclaimed “Fallen” album, released earlier in the year. Obviously the “Daredevil” song – “Bring Me to Life” – was the radio favorite at the time but I became drawn to this song while speeding back from Anchorage, enormous mountains on all sides and a pristine blue sky overhead on a warm summer day.
Norah Jones – Sunrise
New York City, NY
March 2004
Talk about overwhelming. From Times Square and NBC Studios to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Madison Square Garden, my spring break trip to NYC gave me enough memories for a lifetime. And seemingly everywhere I turned, I heard “Sunrise,” which at that time had just been released. From the hotel lobby to the coffee shop, I couldn’t shake it. I also couldn’t shake that 9 percent sales tax.
No Doubt – New
Seattle, WA
May 1999
The great thing about living in Alaska – by the time spring comes around, the sun is out nearly 24/7. And what could be better than getting a tan at 10 pm? Being on the verge of college. With high school graduation just weeks away, I found myself for a couple of days in the birthplace of grunge registering for my classes that fall at Arizona State University (the other ASU). It was during the trip that I picked up the “Go” movie soundtrack – where this song is featured – and checked out the brand new Star Wars toys at FAO Schwarz’; “Episode 1” was about to premiere.
Dido – Here With Me
London, England
September 2001
I bought the “No Angel” CD on Sept. 10, 2001 in preparation for my overseas flight later that day. And it was the first song I listened to the following night after watching hours of horrifying news coverage from back home. And while listening, I couldn’t help but think about all the people who wouldn’t be spending that evening with their loved ones because of the events of the day. I did have fun on the trip but it was obviously overshadowed by the tragedy states-side.
Fuel – Leave the Memories Alone
Orlando, FL
March 2008
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to many that know me that I’m a longtime wrestling fan. So it would be only fitting, being a resident of the Charlotte area, to be in attendance for the last match of Ric Flair’s 35-year career. As a Carolinian, if you don’t know who Ric Flair is, something’s wrong.. Attend a Carolina Hurricanes game and you’re sure to hear his trademark “Whoo!” following a goal.
In the weeks leading up to the recent match in Orlando, a tribute video was made to the tune of this song. The trip was fantastic for many reasons but this, perhaps more than anything else, left the strongest impression.
The Eagles – Take it Easy
October 2000
I hope Winslow, Az. is adequately compensating the Eagles for all the t-shirts, key chains and mugs sold in the town. I turned off the interstate, in the midst of a 10 hour drive from Tempe, Az. to Colorado for a weekend trip, to find a nice assortment of “Take it Easy” items for sale at the local gas station in Winslow. And if you don't know why - listen to the song. In-between listening to “The Ricky Lake Show” on the radio – at one point I actually started picking up TV stations on my route – I played my “Hell Freezes Over” tape over and over until the lyrics were burned into my brain. Yes, children, that’s what car trips were like before the invention of the iPod.
So there’s a glimpse into my world. Have any stories you’d like to share? Drop me an e-mail and you might see your words here in The Star.
Growing up a military kid, I got a taste early on for far off places. And with as stressful as newspaper-ing can be, I jump at any opportunity to escape and check out a new zip code.
New places. New people. New food. And though it doesn’t come cheap, that’s why God created credit cards.
So with that said, I thought I would focus this week on some of the tunes I’ve come to associate with my weekend or weeklong trips. The songs that take me back to a different time and place, far away from banjos and livermush.
Have a list of your own you’d like to share? Shoot me an e-mail at I’d love to hear from you and you might see your response printed here in The Star.
Filter – Take A Picture
Woodbridge, VA
March 2000
It’s not often I get to visit a former hometown; there have been so many. But that’s exactly what I was able to do during my first spring break of college. My parents had just moved from Alaska back to the Washington DC area – where I spent my middle school years – and this was my first trip back since 9th grade. A week of home cooking was just what I needed after months of Ramen and Gatorade. And listening to the car radio while visiting my former neighborhoods nearby had this song stuck in my head for weeks.
Eagle River, Alaska
July 2003
It was during a two week trip to my former high school stomping grounds that I got a chance to listen to Evanescence’s acclaimed “Fallen” album, released earlier in the year. Obviously the “Daredevil” song – “Bring Me to Life” – was the radio favorite at the time but I became drawn to this song while speeding back from Anchorage, enormous mountains on all sides and a pristine blue sky overhead on a warm summer day.
New York City, NY
March 2004
Talk about overwhelming. From Times Square and NBC Studios to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and Madison Square Garden, my spring break trip to NYC gave me enough memories for a lifetime. And seemingly everywhere I turned, I heard “Sunrise,” which at that time had just been released. From the hotel lobby to the coffee shop, I couldn’t shake it. I also couldn’t shake that 9 percent sales tax.

Seattle, WA
May 1999
The great thing about living in Alaska – by the time spring comes around, the sun is out nearly 24/7. And what could be better than getting a tan at 10 pm? Being on the verge of college. With high school graduation just weeks away, I found myself for a couple of days in the birthplace of grunge registering for my classes that fall at Arizona State University (the other ASU). It was during the trip that I picked up the “Go” movie soundtrack – where this song is featured – and checked out the brand new Star Wars toys at FAO Schwarz’; “Episode 1” was about to premiere.
Dido – Here With Me
London, England
September 2001
I bought the “No Angel” CD on Sept. 10, 2001 in preparation for my overseas flight later that day. And it was the first song I listened to the following night after watching hours of horrifying news coverage from back home. And while listening, I couldn’t help but think about all the people who wouldn’t be spending that evening with their loved ones because of the events of the day. I did have fun on the trip but it was obviously overshadowed by the tragedy states-side.

Orlando, FL
March 2008
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to many that know me that I’m a longtime wrestling fan. So it would be only fitting, being a resident of the Charlotte area, to be in attendance for the last match of Ric Flair’s 35-year career. As a Carolinian, if you don’t know who Ric Flair is, something’s wrong.. Attend a Carolina Hurricanes game and you’re sure to hear his trademark “Whoo!” following a goal.
In the weeks leading up to the recent match in Orlando, a tribute video was made to the tune of this song. The trip was fantastic for many reasons but this, perhaps more than anything else, left the strongest impression.

October 2000
I hope Winslow, Az. is adequately compensating the Eagles for all the t-shirts, key chains and mugs sold in the town. I turned off the interstate, in the midst of a 10 hour drive from Tempe, Az. to Colorado for a weekend trip, to find a nice assortment of “Take it Easy” items for sale at the local gas station in Winslow. And if you don't know why - listen to the song. In-between listening to “The Ricky Lake Show” on the radio – at one point I actually started picking up TV stations on my route – I played my “Hell Freezes Over” tape over and over until the lyrics were burned into my brain. Yes, children, that’s what car trips were like before the invention of the iPod.
So there’s a glimpse into my world. Have any stories you’d like to share? Drop me an e-mail and you might see your words here in The Star.
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