Tuesday, May 15, 2007

So, what have we learned?

The boycott, if it was legit, seemingly didn't make much difference here in town. Yes, gas pumps were largely empty when I stopped by but that was early afternoon. From speaking with those at the pump, it appears news of the boycott didn't reach as far as "organizers" had hoped.

An excerpt from TruthOrFiction.com regarding the mass e-mail which prompted the "boycott":

The email says that it's been calculated that if everyone in the United States would avoid buying gasoline for just one day, the oil companies would "choke" on their stockpiles. It encourages a boycott of oil companies to protest high gas prices. The latest version called for a boycott on May 15, 2007. Some versions reference similar campaigns that allegedly took place in other years, such as 1997 and 1999 or "last year."

... We've talked with representatives of the oil industry who say that a one-day boycott of gas stations would not really accomplish much because those who decided not to buy gas on that day would still presumably need gas within several days. The sales for a given week or month would probably end up being the same.

For more holes in the story and background on previous attempts, click the link below.


So, what have we learned?

Don't believe everything you read on the Internet.


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