Song of the Day (9/14/06)
Beautiful weather today, much improved from the cold-dark-and-wet-front that came through yesterday and had me thinking I was in the Pacific Northwest.
There are few things more enjoyable on a bright, sunny day like today than driving up the down U.S. 74, finding a good song on the iPod, and cranking the volume up so loud that I can see the window of my trunk vibrating as I glance in my rearview mirror.
Such was the case this evening after the Shelby Police Recruitment presentation held at the city council chambers.
And what was shaking my car to pieces?
Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way (1993)
Yeah, good stuff. Definately worth repeating a time or two.
This is one of those songs I wouldn't recommend listening to in the car. It's liable to cause excessive speeding.
There are few things more enjoyable on a bright, sunny day like today than driving up the down U.S. 74, finding a good song on the iPod, and cranking the volume up so loud that I can see the window of my trunk vibrating as I glance in my rearview mirror.
Such was the case this evening after the Shelby Police Recruitment presentation held at the city council chambers.
And what was shaking my car to pieces?
Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way (1993)
Yeah, good stuff. Definately worth repeating a time or two.
This is one of those songs I wouldn't recommend listening to in the car. It's liable to cause excessive speeding.