Friday, January 11, 2008

December's CrimeStoppers Meeting

This was e-mailed to me earlier this week by CrimeStoppers Secretary Karen Rhyne. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday at noon at Fidelity Bank. It is open to the public.


The monthly meeting of Crime Stoppers was held on Monday, December 17, 2007 at noon in the Alexander Conference Room.

President Gary Staymate called the meeting to order at 12:10pm and opened with a prayer.

Those present were: Gary Staymate, Charles McCloud, Karen Rhyne, Shell Byars, Kathryn Larson, Ellis Noell, Mark Brooks, Marlene Peeler, Jo Boggs, Johnny Hutchins, Tammy Endicott, Mike Putnam, Michael Chen and Durwin Briscoe.

The minutes were read and approved, after one correction to Phil Weather's first name being corrected from Bill.

Lt. Tammy Endicott reported that a total of 8 tips were received since our last meeting in November. A tip was called in regarding narcotics in a vehicle. The vehicle passed out of the city limits and then the county took over and an arrest was made for simple possession of marijuana. Members voted to pay the tipster $100. One tipster called twice regarding Cornelius Coleman. He was arrested for being in possession of a controlled substance. Members voted to pay the tipster $400. Another tip was in regard to a person on the Most Wanted, but no arrest has been made. Other tips were in regard to a robbery at Pizza Hut, a drug offense and an armed robbery in Kings Mountain. There was one call into the county regarding drugs.

There were a total of 96 tips called in during 2007. A total of $4,150 was paid out.

Johnny Hutchins announced that he had spoken with David Dear concerning the CrimeStopper stickers and Mr. Dear had agreed to allow them to be placed on all marked county cars.

Charles McCloud brought up the subject of having some sort of ID to show that we are members of CrimeStoppers. Letters to show store managers and employees were also discussed. It would be appropriate to have some sort of ID to present when asking to place the CrimeStoppers stickers on their doors.

Mark Brooks inquired about who was working with starting a CrimeStoppers in our schools. Gary said that Don Allen was working with Phil Weathers. Jo Boggs mentioned that Rodney Borders would also be an excellent one to help with this endeavor. Don Allen had mentioned earlier that he felt high school was too late to reach the students and that they should be exposed to CrimeStoppers at least by the time they are in Middle School. Charles McCloud said he felt they should begin in Kindergarten.

Durwin Briscoe announced that the county is planning to begin a County Citizens Academy in February. The course will run for 10 weeks and CrimeStoppers will be part of the curriculum.

The next scheduled meeting will be on Martin Luther King Day, which is a state holiday. Members voted to move the next meeting up one week. The next CrimeStoppers meeting will be held on Monday January 14 at noon in the Alexander Conference Room. The Alexander Room will be where CrimeStoppers will meet during 2008.

President Gary Staymate adjourned the meeting at 1:10pm.
Submitted by Karen Rhyne, Secretary Cleveland County CrimeStoppers


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