Apparently John Kerry had the Mommy Squirrel Vote

A friend of mine sent me an e-mail Tuesday with a link plugging this book. Political affiliations aside, this is hilarious.
The title alone opens itself to ridicule. I could see a whole line of books like this. I predict the second book in the series will be "Why Tommy has Two Daddies". I imagine that family being badgers. Don't ask me why, it just came to me.
The real title of this book should read "Your parents want you to think the same way they do so they shelled out a few bucks to buy this book, knowing that the cute pictures will be more than enough to brainwash you into believing one political party is far and away better than the other".
I guess that might be too long for a book title, huh?
A testimonial on the site (which I feel uneasy about mentioning; it's from Erin White-Johnson of Bakersfield:
"A wonderful story to show my son what REAL moral values are."
Yes, REAL moral values are only displayed by those who think like you politically. Moron.
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